Matrix Chernoff Bounds for sums of independent random variables

Tushant Mittal
5 minute read


In this talk, we proved a matrix-version of a simple Chernoff bound. The scalar version which we will generalize is the following.

Scalar Chernoff

Let $X = \sum_i \eps_ia_i $ where $a_i \in \R$ are fixed, and, $\eps_i$ are $\pm 1$ Rademacher random variables. Then, \[ \prob{\sum_i \eps_ia_i > t} ~\leq~ e^{\frac{-t^2}{2\sigma^2}},\;\; \sigma^2 = \ex{X^2} =\; \sum_i a_i^2 \] Let’s look at a standard proof of this to see where it breaks down. For a single Rademacher variable, one can show that $\ex{e^{\theta \eps a}} = \mathrm{cosh}(\theta a) \leq e^{\frac{\theta^2 a^2}{2}}$. The goal is to break the sum on $n$ such variables as a product of these. Fix $\theta > 0\in \R$. \[ \begin{align} \prob{X > t} ~&=~ \prob{e^{\theta X} > e^{\theta t}}\;\;\small{\text{ (Monotonicity of exponential)} }\\ &\leq e^{-\theta t}\,\ex{ e^{\theta X}} \;\;\small{\text{ (Markov)} }\\ ~&=~ e^{-\theta t}\,\ex{ \prod_i e^{\theta \eps_i a_i}} \;\; \small{(e^{a+b} = e^a\cdot e^b)} \\ ~&=~ e^{-\theta t}\,\prod_i\ex{ e^{\theta \eps_i a_i}} \;\; \small{\text{ (Independence)} } \\ ~&\leq~ e^{-\theta t}\,\prod_i e^{\frac{\theta^2 a_i^2}{2}} \;\; \small{\text{ (Plugging in the 1-variable bound )} }\\ ~&\leq~ e^{\frac{-t^2}{2(\sum_i a_i^2)}} \;\; \small{\text{ (Optimizing for }\theta) } \end{align} \]

Matrix Chernoff

We will generalize the above setup as follows. Let $X = \sum_i \eps_iA_i $ where $A_i$ are fixed Hermitian matrices, and, $\eps_i$ are $\pm 1$ Rademacher random variables. Then, \[ \prob{\lambda_{\max}(X) > t} ~\leq~ e^{\frac{-t^2}{2\sigma^2}} \]

We will give two proofs each of which give a slightly different $\sigma$. The first question is to make sense of exponentials of matrix valued random variables. This, fortunately, is easy.

Lifting functions to matrices

Let $f: I \to \R$ be a function defined on an interval $I$. Let $A = Q\Lambda Q^* $ be an Hermitian matrix such that all eigenvalues of $A$ lies in $I$, i.e., $\mathrm{Spec}(A)\subseteq I$. Then, we can define $f(A) := Qf(\Lambda) Q^*$, where $f(\Lambda)$ is obtained by applying $f$ entry-wise to the diagonal matrix $\Lambda$, i.e., $f(\Lambda) = \mathrm{diag}(f(\lambda_1), \cdots, f(\lambda_d))$.

Thus, we can talk of $e^A$ for any matrix $A$, of $\log (B)$ for any positive-definite matrix $B$. In particular, $\log (\sum_i \alpha_i e^{B_i})$ is well-defined for $\alpha_i > 0$ as $e^{B_i}$ are all positive-definite and the set of PD matrices forms a (open) cone.

Mimicking the scalar proof

One can repeat the scalar argument for the first two steps but it is not clear how to handle the term, $\ex{\lambda_{\max}(e^{\theta X})}$. Ideally, we would like to have $\prod_i \ex{\lambda_\max (e^{\theta \eps_i A_i})}$. The key difficulty is that $e^{A+B}\neq e^Ae^B$ for matrices. This can be resolved (by at least) two approaches.

\[ \begin{align} \small{[\text{Naive Hope}]}\;\;\; &\ex{\lambda_{\max}(e^{\theta X})} ~=~ \ex{\lambda_{\max}\left(\prod_i e^{\theta \eps_i A_i}\right)} ~\leq~ \prod_i \ex{\lambda_\max (e^{\theta \eps_i A_i})} \\ \small{[\text{Ahlswede-Winter}]}\;\;\; &\ex{\lambda_{\max}(e^{\theta X})} ~\leq~ \ex{\tr(e^{\theta X})} ~\leq~ d\prod_i \ex{\lambda_\max (e^{\theta \eps_i A_i})}\\ \small{[\text{Tropp}]}\;\;\; &\ex{\lambda_{\max}(e^{\theta X})} ~\leq~ \ex{\tr(e^{\theta X})} ~\leq~ \tr\, \mathrm{exp}\left( \sum_i \log \ex{(e^{\theta \eps_i A_i})}\right) \\ \end{align} \]

Using the trace inequalities

  • [Ahlswede-Winter] By definition of the matrix exponential, $\lambda_\max(e^A) = e^{\lambda_\max(A)}$. Thus, treating $\lambda_\max(A)$ as a scalar random variable, we can plug it into the scalar inequality we used earlier, $\ex{e^{\theta \eps a}} \leq e^{\frac{\theta^2 a^2}{2}}$. Thus, we get, $\ex{\lambda_\max (e^{\theta \eps_i A_i})} \leq e^{\frac{\theta^2 \lambda_\max(A_i)^2}{2}}$. It is now exactly like the scalar Chernoff and we get a variance term of $\sum_i \lambda_\max(A_i)^2$.

  • [Tropp] We need two more facts.

    • Firstly, a matrix version of the 1-variable inequality. This is given by $\log \ex{e^{\theta \eps_i A_i}} \preceq \frac{\theta^2 A_i^2}{2}$. Here the order being used is the Loewner order ($A\preceq B$ iff $B-A$ is PSD). The proof is analogous to the scalar proof and is given in Tropp’s book [Lemma 4.6.3].
    • The fact that trace-exponential is monotone in the sense that if $A\preceq B$, $\tr\, e^A \leq \tr\, e^B$. This is easy to establish by using the fact that $A\preceq B$ implies $\lambda_i(A)\leq \lambda_i(B)$ which itself follows by Courant-Fischer.

Now, we are ready. \[ \begin{align} \log \ex{e^\theta \eps_i A_i} &~\preceq~ \frac{\theta^2 A_i^2}{2}\;\;\; \small{\text{[Fact 1]}}\\ \sum_i \log \ex{e^\theta \eps_i A_i} &~\preceq~ \frac{\theta^2 \sum_i A_i^2}{2}\\ \tr \; \mathrm{exp}\left(\sum_i \log \ex{e^\theta \eps_i A_i}\right) &~\leq~ \tr \; \mathrm{exp}\left(\frac{\theta^2 \sum_i A_i^2}{2}\right) \;\; \; \small{\text{[Fact 2]}}\\ &~\leq~ d\, \lambda_\max \left( \mathrm{exp}\left( \frac{\theta^2 \sum_i A_i^2}{2}\right)\right)\\ &~=~ d\, \mathrm{exp}\left( \frac{\theta^2 \lambda_\max\left(\sum_i A_i^2\right)}{2}\right). \end{align} \] This, gives us a variance term of $\lambda_\max\left(\sum_i A_i^2\right) $ which is better than the earlier one of $\sum_i \lambda_\max\left(A_i\right)^2$ by up to a factor of $d$. This matters as we have the factor of $d$ in the exponent.

Deriving the trace inequalities

  • [Golden-Thompson] Ahlswede–Winter use the following sequence of inequalities, \[\tr(e^{A+B}) \leq \tr(e^A e^B) \leq \lambda_\max(e^A)\tr(e^B).\]

    The first inequality is called the Golden-Thompson inequality which can be derived from the Lie-Trotter formula which says that although $e^{A+B}\neq e^Ae^B$, this holds in the limit. Formally, $e^{A+B} = \lim_{n\to \infty} \left(e^{A/n}e^{B/n} \right)^{n}$. However, the Golden-Thompson inequality is false for three or more matrices. Thus, it cannot be applied directly. To overcome this, Ahlswede–Winter use the second inequality, a proof of which can be found in Harvey’s notes. We now show the derivation, \[ \begin{align} \ex{\tr(e^{\theta X + 0)})} ~=~ \ex{\tr(e^{\theta \sum_i \eps_i A_i + 0})} ~&\leq~ \ex{\lambda_\max(e^{\eps_1A_1}) \tr(e^{\theta \sum_{i=2}^n \eps_i A_i+ 0})}\\ ~&\leq~ \ex{\prod_{i} \lambda_\max(e^{\eps_iA_i}) \tr(e^{0})} \\ ~&\leq~ d \prod_i \ex{ \lambda_\max(e^{\eps_iA_i})} \end{align} \]

  • [Lieb’s Concavity] Tropp’s insight is that one must instead work with the cumulant generating function, $\log e^{X}$. The advantage of this POV is that this approach generalizes to a much more general settings. Moreover, as we have seen, it gives tighter bounds. The key is the following result of Lieb.

(Lieb) Let $H$ be any Hermitian matrix. Then, the function $f(A) = \tr\\, \exp (H +\log A)$ defined on the cone of positive-definite matrices, is concave.

One now only needs to apply Jensen’s to get the trace inequality, \[ \begin{align} \mathbb{E}\Ex{\eps_n}{\tr\, e^{\sum_{i<n} \eps_i A_i + \eps_n A_n } } ~&=~ \mathbb{E}\Ex{\eps_n}{\tr\, e^{\sum_{i<n} \eps_i A_i+ \log (e^{\eps_nA_n})} }\\ ~&\leq~ \mathbb{E}\, \tr\, e^{\sum_{i<n} \eps_i A_i +\log \Ex{\eps_n}{e^{\eps_nA_n}}} \;\;\small{\text{(Jensen’s)}}\\ ~&\leq~ \tr\, e^{\sum_{i} \log \ex{e^{\eps_i A_i}}} \;\;\small{\text{(Repeating the above steps for all variables)}} \end{align} \]


  • Tropp, Joel A. “An Introduction to Matrix Concentration Inequalities.” arXiv.

  • Lecture Notes on Ahlswede-Winter Inequality by Nicholas Harvey.

  • Garg, Ankit, Lee, Yin T., Song, Zhao, and Nikhil Srivastava. “A Matrix Expander Chernoff Bound.” arXiv.

  • Talk by Joel Tropp at [Youtube Link]